Guidelines for the Author(s)

Under the aegis of the Jaipur Xavier Educational Association (JXEA) and Research and Development Cell (RDC), the college takes all its publications forward as per the policies laid down buy JXEA and RDC. The college has its own multidisciplinary journal entitled, IMPETUS- Xavier’s Interdisciplinary Research Journal with ISSN No. 2278-0254.

The college publishes original research papers, articles, and book reviews of quality and papers presented at conferences/seminars organised by the college at national and international level. The following disciplines are the key focus of our publications: Commerce, Management, Economics, Information Technology, English Language and Literature, Political Science, Sociology, Public Administration, Psychology, Physical Education, Geography, History, Ecology and Environment, Culture, Gender Studies and/or areas that fall under the purview of the aforementioned themes of conferences or seminars organised from time to time. Researchers may submit their papers otherwise as well at

  1. The editor welcomes original work from researchers, provided they fall within the scope of IMPETUS. Papers should be concise and focused, preferably not more than 5000 words in length.
  2. IMPETUS welcomes a variety of research paper(s)/article(s)/book review(s): empirical studies, analytical papers and other research works.
  3. Papers should contain original work that has not been published previously and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Plagiarism will be strictly monitored.
  4. It is preferable for the papers to be submitted electronically, MS Word (2010 or above version) attachment to the email sent to the editor at The attachment should be named after the author(s) and the respective discipline, e.g. Rajeev Bansal Commerce.
  5. Ideally, there should be a cover page that gives the title of the manuscript, name, affiliation as well as the email and full postal addresses of the author(s) with contact numbers. In case of more than 1 author, correspondence will be carried out with the author named first unless otherwise specified clearly in the text of the first mail when the paper is sent to the editorial committee for the initial review.



  1. Research paper(s)/article(s)/book review(s) written only in English are accepted for publication.
  2. Title of the paper(s)/article(s)/book review(s) should be centre aligned, bold with upper case and in font size 14 points with font type as Times New Roman. The entire text of the paper (except the title and the author details) should be Justified aligned.
  3. Complete details of author(s) which includes the name of the author(s), designation, name of the institution to which author(s) is/are affiliated to at the time of publication, postal address, with PIN code, e-mail address and permanent contact number should be in 10 points Times New Roman font in sentence case right aligned.
  4. A brief Abstract should be added before the manuscript not exceeding 300-250 and 4-6 keywords should be given at the end of the abstract. The abstract should be in 12 points Times New Roman and with justified alignment.
  5. The Manuscript should be typed in 12 points Times New Roman with double space and single column that is justified aligned on standard A4 size paper. The length of the paper should not exceed 5000 words.
  6. The body of the research paper(s)/article(s)/book review(s) could be structured in a standardized form covering the following heads in sequence: introduction, review of literature, research gap, objectives/hypothesis, research methodology, finding, suggestions/recommendations, conclusion(s), and references.
  7. All headings must be bold-faced in sentence case, left aligned with 12 points Times New Roman font and sub-heading should follow the above formatting except that it should be in 10 points Times New Roman.
  8. All the tables in the research paper(s)/article(s) should be properly labelled with title and table number at the top and source clearly mentioned below the table, central aligned in 8 points Times New Roman.
  9. Citation and referencing of referred texts should be done with great care following the latest editions for all disciplines (APA) except English Language and Literature that should strictly follow MLA latest edition.
  10. Lists of Tables must be given at the end of the article. The tables should be numbered in accordance with their appearance in the text.



St. Xavier’s College Jaipur
Nevta-Mahapura Road, Near Nevta Dam
Tehsil Sanganer, Jaipur-302029, Rajasthan
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