

MOOCs/SWAYAM – Teacher Coordinator

  • Rev Fr. Dr. Xavier Savarimuthu (Chairman)

  • Rev Fr. Dr. Raymond Cherubin SJ

  • Ms Anjali Pareek (Coordinator)

  • Ms Rose Martin (Asst Coordinator)

  • Dr. Atiqa Kelsy (Member)

  • Dr. Mamta Pareek (Member)

Annual Report

MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) / SWAYAM (Study Web of Active Learning by Young and Aspiring Minds) is a program initiated by the Government of India. It is one of the flagship programs of MHRD to provide an online learning environment and upgrading the students with advance learning capabilities. The objective of this cell is to create an environment for best teaching-learning practices by creating a synergy between the modern online education system and the traditional chalk and talk method. The cell stands to provide all the necessary information and procedural requirements to encourage and support online learning structures and capacitate the learners to avail the benefits of eLearning mechanism through MOOC/ SWAYAM courses.

Seven-day Online Faculty Development Programme

MOOCs/Swayam Committee has organised a seven day online Faculty Development Programme(FDP) on ICT tools on E- content development and creating MOOCs from 8th to 15th July 2020. The introductory session was conducted by Rev. Dr. A. Rex Angelo SJ on the topic “Rethinking Pedagogy for the New Normal”. The session was very enriching as he highlighted the challenges faced by the teachers and learners during the present times of Covid 19.

The whole Programme has been conceptualized with the thought of creating an online platform for teaching learning interface. The major themes covered in this programme were creation of virtual classrooms, video recording and screen capturing, creation of own web portal and documents and development of MOOCs.

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