
The National Service Scheme (NSS)

National Service Scheme, popularly known as NSS was launched in 1969 – the birth centenary year of Mahatma Gandhi, in 37 Universities involving 40,000 students with primary focus on personality development of the student volunteers through service to the community. Today, NSS has more than 3.4 million volunteers on its roll spread over 301 Universities and 42 (+2) Senior Secondary Councils and Directorate of Technical Education all over the country. Since its inception more than 3.75 crore students from various institutions of higher learning have been benefitted out of this scheme.

The ‘Regular Activities’ and ‘Special Camping Programmes’ are the two main components of NSS calendar. During the two-year volunteering period, the volunteers devote 240 hours under Regular Activities. This includes 20 hours of general orientation regarding NSS and the mode of work they have to do as volunteers. Out of the remaining 220 hours, 30 hours are given for campus development and rest 190 hours for service in the community in various areas as per need and priority.

Every volunteer has to attend one special camping programme to become eligible for getting the NSS Certificate issued by the Universities and +2 councils. This residential camp is of 7 days duration and is organized in the adopted village by the NSS units based on specific themes which keep on changing from time to time. NSS, over the years has made outstanding contributions in the field of Mass Literacy, Environment Preservation, Waste Land development, Watershed Management, Health Education, Community Development, Disaster Management, Adolescent Health Development, HIV/AIDs Awareness, Drive against Social evils, Homes for the Homeless, Mass Forestation Drives, Communal and Social Harmony etc.

NSS Volunteers have always come to their fore front to extend voluntary service in natural calamities like drought, flood, Tsunami, cyclone and earthquake etc. As part of environment conservation and enrichment project, more than 37, 06,075 saplings were planted throughout the nation by the NSS volunteers under regular activities. NSS volunteers have undertaken some innovative projects like avenue plantation, plant identification and conducted a large number of plantation camps during the VAN MAHOTSAV week.

Senior Programme Officer

Dr Pradeep Soni

Programme Officer

Mr Rohan Thomas Cherian


The vision is to build youth with the mind and spirit to serve the society and work as a movement for the social uplift of the downtrodden masses of our nation.



The National Service Scheme has been functioning with motto “NOT ME BUT YOU” in view of making the youth inspired in service of the people and hence NSS Aims Education through community Service and Community Service through Education.



  • To understand the community in which they work.
  • To understand themselves in relation to their community.
  • To identify the needs and problems of the community.
  • To develop among themselves a sense of social responsibility.
  • To practice national integration and social harmony.
  • To acquire leadership qualities and democratic attitude.

NSS Achievements

Annual Reports

NSS Annual Report


NSS Annual Report


NSS Annual Report


NSS Magazine
