
Guidelines for the Author(s)

Original quality research work not published earlier or in consideration elsewhere for publication, in the form of research papers/review articles/case studies/ empirical research/analytical papers/ book reviews are welcome.
  • Word Limit – 2000-5000 words
  • Mode of Submission – Email your abstract and full paper in Docx Format at anusandhak@sxcjpr.edu.in. Papers submitted in the PDF format will be rejected.
  • Name your attachment after the first author’s name and the respective discipline. For Eg. AnitaKumariScience
  • The paper should have an abstract of not more than 500 words followed by 4-6 relevant keywords.
  • Add the author(s) name, the affiliation(s), email address(es) and mobile number(s) right aligned under the title of the paper.
  • Correspondence will be carried out with the first author unless specified otherwise in the email sent.
  • Papers submitted are checked for Plagiarism and papers having more than 14% of plagiarism will either be rejected to resent for modification accordingly.
  • The paper will then be subjected to a blind peer review by the editorial board and acceptance/rejection would be communicated within 15 days of submission.


    Articles written in English only will be accepted for publication, unless they are from the field of Hindi Language and Literature. The latest edition of APA should be followed for Social Sciences and Sciences while MLA latest edition should be used for Language and Literature.
  • Font Type – Times New Roman
  • Font Size – Title of the Paper: 16pt
  • Name of the author(s), affiliation and other details: 10pt
  • Abstract and paper: 12pt
  • Headings: 14pt & boldfaced, left aligned
  • Subheadings: 12pt & boldfaced, left aligned
  • Tables & Labels in Figures: 10pt
  • Text Alignment – Justified
  • Text Spacing – Double with 1.5” Margins on all sides


    The body of the research paper(s)/article(s)/book review(s), for Social Sciences, management and Commerce, could be structured in a standardized form covering the following heads in sequence: introduction, review of literature, research gap, objectives/hypothesis, research methodology, finding, suggestions/recommendations, conclusion(s), and references.


  • Abstract
  • Key words
  • Introduction
  • Materials and methods
  • Result
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • Acknowledgement:
  • Funding agencies/ any other
  • Conflict of interest

  • Citation and referencing of referred texts should be done with great care following the latest editions for all disciplines (APA) except English Language and Literature that should strictly follow MLA latest edition.All the tables in the research paper(s)/article(s) should be properly labelled with title and table number at the top and source clearly mentioned below the table, central aligned in 10 points Times New Roman.Lists of Tables must be given at the end of the article. The tables should be numbered in accordance with their appearance in the text.



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