
All India Catholic University Federation (AICUF)

All India Catholic University Federation (AICUF) stands for the service and liberation of all human beings, as Jesus did, irrespective of caste, sex, language, or belief. As members of the larger human family, AICUF affirms solidarity with all those engaged in the struggle for peace, human and democratic rights, and for a world marked by growing economic interdependence and equality. The federation recognizes and respects the plurality of cultures, religions, and ideologies contributing to the growth of human beings as created in the image of God. As citizens of India and an integral part of a nation striving to discover a new identity and to build a new and just social, economic, and political order, the federation opts to place ourselves on the side of the oppressed and the marginalized and continue to struggle till the end. As young men and women enroll in the universities, the federation understands that these institutions, though part of an unjust power structure, still provide space for debate and discussion which we shall utilize in the process of social change. As members of a Christian movement, the federation draws inspiration from the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, in our attempt to build solidarity with men and women of various faiths, a new society and university in tune with the needs and aspiration of oppressed masses. (Courtesy: AICUF Preamble)