MOU with RK MISSION VIVEKANANDA CENTENARY COLLEGE, ROHARA, Kolkata, For Research and Faculty Exchange Programs

Seed Money


Policy on Seed Money for Research


  • Any regular faculty of SXC, including those on probation (Faculty on probation may also apply subject to the condition laid by SXC).
  • They should have a minimum of TEN years of service left before superannuation.
  • The applicants currently should NOT be working on their PhD.
  • They should not have an ongoing project under Seed Money.
  • The applicants should not have secured a Major Research Project (from any agency) so far (seed money is for beginners).


Duration of the Project

  • By applying for seed money, the applicant undertakes to complete the project successfully in time. If for any reason the awardee leaves SXC without completing the project to the satisfaction of the RDC, s/he undertakes to refund the entire amount to SXC along with a penal interest of 10% per annum, besides returning all the books / journals / equipment / purchased glassware out of the project money to SXC.
  • The extension of the duration of the project would be permitted only in exceptional circumstances that are beyond the control of the project awardee if applied well in advance with adequate justification for the delay. If the permission for the extension of duration is not obtained / granted, the RDC has the right to terminate the project; in that case, the project-awardee will have to refund the entire amount along with the penal interest of 10% per annum.
  • The awardee shall not change either entirely or in part the project / title / objectives once the project is approved. In case the researcher desires any change in the project / title / objectives, s/he shall obtain prior, written permission from RDC.
  • If sanctioned, the applicants should carry out the project on their own, and not outsource it or get others to do the research. No student shall be forced to work on the project, even by offering incentives. The major work must be done by the project awardee.
  • All research done on the Seed-Money project will be carried out within the SXC premises. The researchers need to obtain prior permission from RDC to work outside the premises
  • The proposal should be based on the applicant’s own original ideas.
  • While researchers are encouraged to extend the project to their PhD, they are not to make their PhD / a section of it part of the Seed-Money project.
  • Since the proposals are sent to external experts, it is important that due care be taken to present them professionally, as serious work of quality and personal commitment.
  • It is advisable to show your proposals to our senior researchers and get critical feedback for novelty, quality, relevance, ethical considerations, methodology, outcomes, and impressive and formal style of presentation, before submission.
  • The grantees are expected to submit the work-in-progress of their project once every six months, to RDC and present the same at the research colloquium. If RDC is not content with the progress, it may either suggest modifications or may withdraw the project.
  • To ensure that the selected projects have a high probability of achieving their goals, the Principal Investigator (PI) must assess all the likely risk factors (i.e., unpredictable events that may prevent data collection or destroy sampling sites, the possibility of non-availability of proposed sample units / critical equipment, delays caused by administrative procedures, delays in procuring equipment, non-cooperation by some individuals / groups for interviews, potential health risks posed by the use of unconventional equipment / sampling techniques, etc.). The PI must also mention an alternative plan of action in each case if any of these risks actually were to occur.
  • In all cases, the awardee should abide by the SXC code of ethics for research and publication.
  • The overall sequence of the sections to be followed in the file format is as following.
The overall sequence of the sections to be followed in the file

Part I: Investigator Details

1.1Complete Name of the Investigator:
1.2Date of birth:
1.4Date of Joining:
1.5Whether confirmed OR on probation:
1.6Educational & research profile:
1.7Name of the co-investigator (if any):
1.8Date of birth:
1.10Date of joining:
1.11Whether confirmed OR on probation:
1.2Educational & research profile

Part II: The Research Proposal (Application for Seed money)

You may use this format for the submission of a project proposal: [please copy-paste pages 4-6 below, fill-in, and submit]. Add a cover page with the title of the project and your name.

    1. Title of the project:
    2. Broad Subject Area of the project:
    3. Technical Details
  • 3.1 Origin of the proposal (max. 200 words; a non-technical description of how / why the investigator decided to look into the problem described in the proposal)
  • 3.2 Introduction with detailed background literature (Maximum 1500 words; use graphs / figures / tables wherever necessary to present data crisply)
  • 3.3 Scope of the proposed research:
  • 3.4 Objectives:
  • 3.5 Methodology:
  • 3.6 Timeline (tabular/graphical, showing how the proposed research would progress with time)
  • 3.7 References/Bibliography (use standard format and style manual)
  • 3.8 Budget:


List the facilities available in the department/institution for carrying out the proposed project.

ParticularsRecurring/non-recurringCost per annum (Rs)Total cost (Rs)
Books/journals (list)   
Travel for research (mode, places, purpose, days)   
Grand Total   

*Please substantiate the need for funds under each head -with details.

* You may add legitimate ‘heads’ proper to your subject / requirements.

  • Travel is permissible only where fieldwork is necessary; attending conferences / seminars / consultations are not covered under seed money grants.
  • Equipment and consumables – please list every piece of equipment you need; personal computers are not to be included.
  • Books / journals and equipment purchased are property of the University; hence need to be registered in the library / stock register.

No PA/ research assistants are permitted for seed-money projects

  • 4.0 Expected outcomes of the project:
  • 4.1 Would the project result in publications / patents? If yes, give details.
  • 4.2 Would the project lead to a bigger proposal to external funding agencies? If yes, what and when?
  • 5.0 Bio-data of the investigator (and co-investigators, if any)
  • 5.1 Academic and professional (teaching / research) details: (Masters onwards, including PDFs & NET / SLET)

Degree / Position heldYearUniversity / InstitutionRemarks

5.2 Title of the PhD thesis:
5.3 Awards and Honours received:
5.4 List of books (not textbooks) and publications (Clarivate / SCOPUS journals only):



* All the details mentioned above are true, and if found false, I will be liable to strict action
* By applying for these grants, I agree to abide by all the rules and regulations governing this seed-money project.
* If sanctioned, I promise to complete the project within the stipulated time.
* If, for any reason, I leave SXC without completing the project, I agree to refund all the money released for the purpose, with 10% interest/annum, and returning the books/ journals/ equipment purchased out of the grants to SXC, failing which the Management is free to take action against me.

  1. Name:
  2. Name:

Part III: Submission of the Completion Report

  1. The Project Awardee / Principal Researcher / Principal Investigator would prepare a draft report on the completion of the study / survey and submit a soft copy of the same to RDC, along with a URKUND-based report about the similarity index.
  2. The report will be examined also by an expert in the field concerned. After the submission, the Project Awardee may present the report before the RDC / Empowered Committee and interested staff members of SXC.
  3. The suggestions / opinions given during the presentation, along with the suggestions of the Division and Subject Expert, may be incorporated into the final report by the Project Awardee.
  4. One hard copy and a soft copy of the report in MS Word and a *.pdf shall be submitted within two weeks of communicating the comments. It needs to be ensured that the revision has been made as per the comments received, and reasons for non-acceptance of the comments, if any, should be properly explained in the forwarding letter.