
Functions of IQAC

According to NAAC

  1. Consistently developing and applying quality parameters and setting benchmarks for various academic and administrative activities of the institution through internal audits, and departmental and management review meetings.
  2. Facilitating the creation of a learner-centric environment conducive to quality education by implementing value-added/certificate courses by all the departments to keep the students abreast with developments in their subject.
  3. Arrangement for feedback from all the stakeholders viz. students, parents, alumni and other stakeholders on institutional processes related to quality through an online feedback system and by placing suggestion boxes at strategic places in the college and consequently prepare an action taken report based on the measures taken by the management on suggestions/feedback received by IQAC.
  4. Dissemination of information on various quality parameters of higher education by circulating the IQAC newsletter every year.
  5. Organization of intra and inter-institutional workshops, seminars on quality-related themes and promotion of quality circles and personal visits across different institutions to study the best practices.
  6. Acting as a nodal agency of the institution for quality-related activities, including the adoption and dissemination of best practices as directed by the management.
  7. Documentation of the various programmes/activities organized by every unit of the college leading to quality improvement. This is to be done by a specially created documentation center of the college by IQAC.
  8. Development and maintenance of institutional database through MIS to maintain/enhance institutional quality. This is to be done through the ERP system.
  9. The penultimate objective of IQAC is to develop a culture of quality in the institution.
  10. Preparation of the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) to be submitted to NAAC based on the quality parameters as a post-accreditation measure.

Strategies of IQAC

  1. IQAC shall evolve mechanisms and procedures for ensuring the timely, efficient and progressive performance of academic, administrative and financial tasks which is done with the help of different departments and other units of the college. It shall also prepare policies, guidelines, and standard operation procedures for different academic and administrative units, cells, clubs, committees and departments of the college.
  2. To maintain the relevance and quality of academic and research programmes with the help of heads of the various departments and the Research and Development Cell (RDC).
  3. To provide equitable access to and ensure affordability of academic programmes for various sections of society which is done by the admission policy of the college.
  4. To optimize and integrate modern methods of teaching and learning through faculty development programmes and knowledge training workshops organized regularly.
  5. To provide credibility to evaluation procedures which is done by an independent examination system through the Examination Cell of the college.
  6. Ensuring the adequacy, maintenance and functioning of the support structure and services with the help of counsellors/mentors, heads and the vice principal.
  7. Sharing research and networking with other institutions in India and abroad to exchange knowledge, bring contemporary trends to the classroom, create employment-ready youth and sensitise them to the pressing needs of society. This is done by linkages with industries, academic institutions and community service.