
Students' Council

Students’ Council is the representative body of the entire student community of the College. It is an interface between the students, professors and the Management, for working together to identify and address concerns that affect the students directly and indirectly. It represents the interests of the students and participates in discussions and decisions that affect the student community. Students’ Council aims at the all-round development of students and organises several extra-curricular events throughout the year in association with the various units of the college along with coordinating college events that are organised annually. It also provides an opportunity to be a part of activities, motivated by a sense of social responsibility and aimed at giving back to society. The office bearers of Students’ Council including the Class Representatives from every department are elected for a term of one year and the core council then is constituted from nominated/co-opted / elected members of the student council that functions as the back bone of the students’ council.

Students' council Events